Thursday, April 9, 2015


The second book I read is Undeniable by Bill Nye. This book is about "evolution and the science of creation". The focus of this book is to argue the case for evolution and its importance. After arguing with a popular creationist minister, Bill Nye wrote this book further proving the case for evolution. The book is filled with examples, details, and most importantly evidence proving evolution. Further the book proves the importance of teaching evolution. The concepts of evolution are central to the understanding of science.

One of the first things that Nye writes is that he is arguing against creationism and the idea that the earth is young (about 6,000 years apposed to 4.5 billion). He is not arguing against religion, just against the teachings. I find this to be significant in that Nye does not say you can not be religious or that the Bible should be discarded. He is simply trying to divide religion and evidence in the scientific world.

This book was fascinating in the points Nye makes about accepting evolution. For him it is detrimental to the scientific advancement of today's world to continue to teach creationism. He has found the divide between science and religion in education, one that is argued across the country today.

The argument for evolution and against the teaching of creationism is put forth in this book. Nye firmly believes that there is no room in the scientific world for this religious concept. In fact he finds it is putting our youth at a disadvantage. In my paper I plan to look at the history of creation myths and stories including those in Genesis and then the way in which these teachings clash with the theory of evolution. Further, I plan to look at how religion and science can compromise and peacefully coexist.

I know that we don't have to read any more books but I picked up On Being: A Scientist's Exploration of the Great Questions of Existence and Am I a Monkey? Six Big Questions About Evolution. Both books include sections about the conflict between creationism and evolution and the ability to accept science and religion. In addition to these books I also ordered In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation. 

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