Monday, April 13, 2015

RP Post 4: Post Hardcore Music

My research has shown me the beginning roots of the music and the music that came before. I especially liked the band interviews because I haven't read those from the time period and they gave more insight into what the base of the music actually was.
My research has led me to see the influences in the modern day hardcore and post hardcore scene that brought it to the forefront as a counterculture. I am beginning to realize the emotional themes of music, and that is why it appealed to many people.
Some new questions I have are pertaining to the lasting impressions. As in how else has it caused music to change. Something I am interested in is looking into the mixes of music, as in pop punk and other genres that mixed with hardcore to create new music.
I hope readers realize the impact that this music had and has a subculture. That its originality changed a lot of the music today, and to come from understanding of what the unclean vocals and emotional lyrics meant.


  1. This sounds like a very interesting topic and it sounds as though you have a good direction. When you talk about the emotional themes of music, will you discuss the culture that impacted those themes?

  2. Mackenzie,
    I'm starting to notice that our research has a lot of parallels. I've read a few band interviews as well, and my research has led me to ask the same kinds of questions. Indie branched off of punk, so I think it would be really interesting to see how Post Hardcore adds to the mix. Nice work!

  3. Mackenzie,
    Great job so far! I have really enjoyed watching your topic evolve. I also enjoyed the interviews given by various musical artists when I was doing my research, as that was almost the entire basis of my first book. I notice as well that our topics both focus on the emotions behind the music, the creative energy that drove the artists to write the songs in the ways they did. I can't wait to see where you take this paper as it may end up quite similar to mine when all is said and done. Good luck!
