Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Evolution of Creation

Through this process, I have studied the way that people look at the huge creation of how we came to be. I started by looking at creation stories from around the world. I looked at the similarities between these stories and the Genesis bible story. Throughout the stories there is a common aspect of the idea of a creator. After reading these stories I looked at the other way people look at how we came to be: science. Through science and evolution people can answer this question of how we came to be with evidence. However despite the evidence for evolution many people still believe in creation.

So while evolution explains how we came to be, it doesn't necessarily answer why. Why do humans exist on earth? Every time we turn around we see the effect of humans on the environment and the other animals. People can still turn to religion to explain why people exist on earth. The creator or God created them and placed them on earth to do his bidding. People can look to religion to answer these existential questions in human life.

The argument can be made that an in ability to accept evolution inhibits scientific and technological advancement. Nye argued this point throughout Undeniable. However that doesn't mean he is against religion. He states quite simply that he argues against the idea and teachings of creationism not against the Bible or the importance of religion. This is the line between science and religion as they work together or against each other to explain the world we live in.

Currently I'm almost done with Am I a Monkey? which has a chapter about the ability to accept religion and science. I'm narrowing my paper to the ability and importance of science and religion to answer the great questions of humanity. This meshing of these two ideas comes to conflict on the matter of creation. It is this conflict and the way people have learned to accept both that I am exploring in my paper.

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