Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art, Beauty,Truth: A Common Thread

            Art is the depiction of abstract ideas unique to the creator's perspective. Beauty is the measure of appeal or attraction in accordance to an individual's preference. Truth the accuracy of one's thoughts, feelings, actions, and opinions in accordance to a general principle or an agreed-upon basis. Each of these attribute to what it means to be human. Also, each one is based off of and influenced by a person's perspective. When we discussed art, beauty, and truth in class within our groups, it was very evident that each member of said group had a different take on what each word or concept meant. Art to me, means something completely different to someone else. Truth is dictated by culture and experience, and beauty is heavily inspired by society and the standards set in place by those who are in the forefront of society - religious/cultural values also contribute to how one sees beauty or a person's opinion on it. It is imperative to look at art, beauty, and truth with a subjective eye as they are dependent on an individual, culture, and society.
            The relationship between art and beauty is that art is a way for one to depict how they see beauty and what they deem beautiful. Art is a way to express beauty in all forms and ways, not just a person's or object's outward appearance. Beauty can be described as a form of art, or inspiration for art. Beauty is a contributing factor in why an artist does what he/she does, and the passion behind their work. In my opinion, art and beauty are synonymous. I feel as though you cannot have one without the other. A piece of artwork is always viewed as beautiful to a viewer/viewers and beauty can be used as a form of art.
             Art and truth are related in that art can represent truth. Art can be an artist's way of showing what their sense of truth is, or a depiction of morals, which to some, is an extension of truth. This being said, truth can inspire one to create a piece of artwork. The general idea of these two concepts is that art is a way for one to express themselves. Truth is subjective, meaning that it can be different and unique depending on the individual. These two together are a perfect example of individualism and how each person sees the world through different lenses.
           Beauty and truth are related in that beauty can lead one to find their sense of truth, and truth can elicit beauty. One's sense of truth can be beautiful, or have a beautiful meaning/undertone. Also, truth can make one beautiful as beauty can make one true (depending on one's view of truth). Personally, I believe that truth is beautiful and that beauty consists of truth - it causes one to contemplate their morals if referring to internal beauty. In simpler words, both can be found in one another.


  1. Abby,
    What meaningful and well thought out insight of the connections between art, beauty, and truth. Art can depict beauty, and truth, but can't it also depict what we find ugly in nature (for example the depiction of the slave boat by Turner)? It also can stretch the truth of beauty as well, creating a picturesque, or perfect version of nature. Also, I feel like beauty is so much more than a form of or inspiration for art. I think it's more personal and individualized, and something that cannot truly be defined. I love your last line here though, truth is beautiful, one cannot not exist without the other.

  2. Abby,
    What meaningful and well thought out insight of the connections between art, beauty, and truth. Art can depict beauty, and truth, but can't it also depict what we find ugly in nature (for example the depiction of the slave boat by Turner)? It also can stretch the truth of beauty as well, creating a picturesque, or perfect version of nature. Also, I feel like beauty is so much more than a form of or inspiration for art. I think it's more personal and individualized, and something that cannot truly be defined. I love your last line here though, truth is beautiful, one cannot not exist without the other.

  3. Abby,
    We were in the same group, so obviously we have similar points on art, beauty, and truth. I agree with your definitions of each, and I definitely agree that each term is based solely on perspective. The definitions of each term will differ from person to person, and each person will value each term on different levels. I like your point on culture being an influence on the meaning on each topic. They will definitely vary throughout the world, as different religions and cultures have a huge influence on people. I enjoy how you related truth with morals when talking about art. I just realized that sometimes the whole truth cannot be portrayed in art, but the artist's morals can be shown, so I agree with your point. Overall, I agree with most of what you said.
