Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Beauty, Truth, and Art

Beauty, Truth, and Art. Three significant concepts of the human experience that are essential to our species as a whole. Beauty and truth can exist on their own, or they can be applied into an all-encompassing experience through humankind's everlasting and unique creation of art. Art can effectively show all aspects of the human experience by displaying or not displaying truth and beauty within it's different forms.

Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Through this expression truth and beauty can be portrayed. Truth can be demonstrated through forms of art whether it be unedited photography, a documentary film, or a song vocalizing a political belief. On the other hand truth can be demonstrated in art by not being present at all. Examples of this would be extremely abstract art, or a fiction-based film. Beauty is just as easy to demonstrate in art, but can sometimes be hard to identify in a specific work of art. For example, a listener of a certain song can often understand beauty being present through the lyrics or tone of the given song, but they may not be able to pinpoint this trait of art as easy as truth.

Art is truly one of the greatest human creations because of it's vast array of applications. Almost everything and anything created can be considered art. No matter how abstract or dull any one piece of art may seem it can link beauty and truth to itself be either possessing or lacking those traits.


  1. Anthony,
    I appreciate how you described art as being sort of the mold that connects beauty and truth; two concepts that are independent, but when combined, they fully describe the human experience. Art definitely portrays both of these concepts and is a way for one to express their opinions on such topics. I also agree with you when you said that "almost everything and anything created can be considered art". I think that's the beauty (no pun intended) with it - it is subjective and open to whatever people make it out to be. Great post!! You definitely have the connection between the three and I really agree with your perspective on it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anthony,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. You bring a creative perspective to the idea and relationship between art, beauty, and truth. I found myself nodding my head in definite agreement (like Abby) in how you point out that beauty and truth are independent ideas, but with art as a base, and the other two formed together, it brings an "all-encompassing experience through humankind." I like your incorporation of how each, particularly art, is based off of perception, which is key to understanding different aspects of art and seeing the beauty and ultimate truth within the artwork - as you show with your examples. My one question for you though is, what draws the line between art and something just put together out of laziness, etc.? - As you do say "almost everything and everything created can be considered art," with the key word being "almost." Again, great post - thanks for sharing your view.
