Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art, Beauty, and Truth: Different, Yet the Same

Art, beauty, and truth are three very special concepts which are each unique to themselves, yet also contain various components of the other two. Art can portray both truth and beauty, and has a knack for arousing complex emotions in both the creator and the viewer. One of the many beautiful aspects of art is that the artist can create a piece with one idea in their mind, and a viewer can come along and, upon observing it, be struck by an entirely different set of feelings. Art can have many definitions, but in its broadest sense it is anything that evokes an emotional reaction in either the creator or the viewer experiencing it.

Truth is also a beautiful thing, considered by many to be an artistic expression of sorts. There can be two general types of truths: Subjective and Factual. Subjective Truth is what one believes to be true in their own mind. This is the form of truth that can define a person's personality or even give a hint toward their artistic potential. Factual Truth, on the other hand, is much more black and white; it is the form of truth that can be proven, or is concrete or factually true.

Beauty is perhaps the most broad of the three terms (although all are really pretty broad, seeing as they are all abstract at least to some degree). Both art and truth can be considered beautiful, as well as nearly anything else - at least in someone's mind. Just like truth, there are really two different types of beauty. There is the more commonly understood form, Material Beauty, which covers anything that someone can view as beautiful. Then there is the more abstract form that is Inner Beauty. Inner Beauty is more of an experience than anything, and it can come from within a person, idea, work of art, etc. Truth is more of an Inner form of beauty, one that can be felt inside but not touched. Art can be both Inner and Material; it can be experienced as Inner Beauty, but it can also be viewed and sometimes even touched as a Material form of beauty.

While all three terms can connect to each other, they clearly all have their own independent definitions. Just as each can help to describe the other two, they can also all have nothing in common; it merely depends on the case or situation. Regardless of similarities or differences though, art, beauty, and truth are all very important ideas, and each of them contributes equally to the world around us, whether it be a material or an abstract one.


  1. Delaney,
    I like how you touched upon the fact that all three words can connect with eachother, but can all have their own meanings. I also like the way you explained the two types of truth and beauty. I never thought about truth having a subjective and factual aspect of it. That really got me thinking about the *true* meaning of the word truth. Great job setting up your blog by wrapping up all three words in the end. Is there a specific way that you would connect all three words together in one statement? Awesome job!

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