Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's All Connected

        Though the concepts of art, beauty, and truth are all completely different from each other, they are all connected in someway or another. We cannot have one concept without the other, they are all intertwined with each other. Though one may have more connections with one than the other, one thing is true of them all; our perceptions of art, beauty, and truth are a part of what makes us humans.

        Art, is such a broad thing to define, because almost anything can be art; visual arts, writing, music, and dancing. But to be art, it must stir emotion, both in the artist and the viewer. Art is the manifestation of our emotions, it's something we pour our passions into. Art can be seen as a beautiful thing, especially to the one who views, hears, or is touched by it. Art can also reveal a certain truth, the inner truth behind the artist; the artist may share details of themselves through art, for the viewer to seek the truth for themselves.

        The concept of beauty is unique in the fact that it can be defined in an infinite amount of possibilities that it is impossible to truly defines. The beauty in something or someone must be sought out individually; what one deems to be beautiful, another may not. Beauty can be found in almost everything, nature, a person, a thought, a sound. Art can be beautiful in so many different ways, it is almost hard to imagine having art without beauty, and beauty without art. Pure beauty can reveal the truth in something, while our physical beauty can hide it.

       Truth is something many people spend their lives looking for, but may never find it. But it can be found anywhere, in nature, in painting, beauty, and even within ourselves. We seek things that we find to be true about the world, and ourselves, and often we can find that through art. All three concepts are so interrelated that it can be hard to imagine one without the other.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your analysis of the connection between art, beauty and truth. In establishing the connection between art and beauty, you touch on a strong point about the nature of art. It's beautiful. One of the examples of "art" that people often don't look on as art is a mathematical proof or a well-designed stretch of highway. One of the things that I've noticed is that marvels within your field tend to draw your admiration more than that of other people's because you are able to fully appreciate the amount of skill and work that went into the piece. A civil engineer, for example, might appreciate a well-designed foundation and look at it with pride and view it as a thing of beauty. You or myself however, might not view it with the same admiration. Ultimately, perspective counts when looking at something of beauty, and you captured that well.
