Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Seamless combination of truth and beauty

There is a delicate balance between art, beauty, and truth.  Each is able to stand alone but also build off the others to form a whole that is greater than the parts.  They do not always fit together seamlessly but when the artistic greats find ways to combine them the effect is awe-inspiring.

To some artists it is pertinent to hold truth  in the highest regard. To capture life's most accurate essence one must capture life's truthfulness.  They strive to not only capture the positive portions of life, but the negative too.  They must capture the catastrophic events that mar ones soul. To other artists beauty is the more important aspect.  They would rather fictionalize landscapes and figures to forge the most beautiful picture possible.  It is not important what is truthful, it is important that both the artist and the onlooker see the beautiful nature of the art.  Finally, there is a third type of artist.  Possible the most talented.  They are the artists that are able to create art that contains both the art and the beauty of the world and all its inhabitants.  Their talents are so supreme that they can capture the beauty of life while staying truthful.  How each artists views the world will have an effect on which type they are.

There is no guideline that says how to create the best art, it is something that every artists learns and fiddles with through their artistic career.  It is based on their personality and outlook of life.  There are the realists and the romantics.  To see the truth in art is just as important as seeing the beauty.  To appreciate both is impressive, to depict both is exceptional.


  1. Gabe,
    I really liked how you differentiated between the types of artists. It goes to show that people view the world in a myriad of ways, and that one's way of viewing it is not right or wrong. Also, the idea that art is based off of life experiences, passions, and the artist's view of the world around them. You did a fabulous job of tying in beauty, truth, and art also relating them together and showing the reader how seamless their relation to one another is. I would, if I may, suggest that you expand upon your last paragraph. Maybe you could continue the idea of realism and romanticism?

  2. Gabe,
    I didn't read yours prior to mine, but I found that we introduced our blog posts similarly on art, beauty, and truth. I stated that they could each exist independently, but when they exist together, there is indeed an "Awe-inspiring" effect created. I also so agree that there are no guidelines to true art, beauty, or truth. Solid post.
