Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Different, but Ultimately Similar

It is difficult to tie a single definition to art, beauty, and truth, as they are all based on perception.  They are all also very broad and abstract concepts.  What one person thinks is beautiful could differ from what another person thinks is beautiful, and the same goes for art and truth. Even though the general definitions of art, beauty, and truth are very different from each other, they are all connected in some way.  Each topic can help define each other.  There is no central concept between the three, as they are all contained in one another.

Art can generally be defined as something that generates an emotion and appeals to the senses.  Any work of art can be beautiful to someone, as art is purely based on perception.  Art can also have a certain truth to both an artist and an observer.  An artist can portray the truth about themselves or a situation through art.

Beauty can generally be defined as something that is attractive or appealing based on one's opinion.  Beauty can also be contained in both art and truth.  Any form of art can be considered beautiful to someone, depending on one's definition of beauty and how they view that particular work of art.  There can be beauty in truth, as the truth can sometimes be beautiful.  They both are contained in one another.  Beauty cannot exist without truth, and truth cannot exist without beauty.

Truth can generally be defined as a belief or thought that is deemed to be true based on one's perception.  As stated above, the truth can be found in pieces of art.  Since art can be a form of self expression, the artist may utilize their ability to create art in order to reveal the truth about themselves.  Also, the truth can be beautiful in a way.  Certain truths can have an essential beauty behind them.

All three of these concepts play vital roles in the lives of human beings.  Without these three concepts, there would be no way to truly express emotion and feeling, which is crucial to human life.


  1. Cate,
    I really enjoyed the way in which you described the relationship(s) between art, beauty, and truth. I agree that they are all opinion based; it seems that your group came up with many of the same ideas surrounding these terms. Our definitions of art were especially similar - the only difference coming in our perceptions about the relationship between art and truth. While you commented that art can help to portray truth, I still feel that no work of art, no matter how refined, can ever illustrate the complete truth. Whomever is creating the piece is bound to have some bias that sneaks its way into their work, whether consciously or not. I will concede, however, that some artwork may have aspects of truth embedded within it, just not the whole truth. I also find it interesting that you seem to feel that both beauty and truth are fairly one dimensional, since I find that there are at least two dimensions to each term; two very separate definitions can be applied to either of them, at least in my opinion.

  2. Cat,

    You provide an insightful analysis into the connection between art, beauty and truth. You provide a very left-brained, logical analysis to a rather right-brained topic. I had a chance to work with Delaney, and I would agree with him as he notes that he definitions and connections we established are very similar to yours. I was wondering if you could elaborate on your final statement:

    All three of these concepts play vital roles in the lives of human beings. Without these three concepts, there would be no way to truly express emotion and feeling, which is crucial to human life.

    While I would agree, I think these concepts play more into society as a whole than human life. Theoretically, we could live without art or truth and even arguably beauty. Sure, life would be more mundane, but I disagree with your final statement's wording.

  3. Cate,
    I think you did a great job defining all three topics and showing the relationship between all of them. I think as an analysis it was done superbly, however, it would have been nice if you went a little deeper. You defined the words and showed the relationship between them, but I felt like you didn't really talk about the human aspect of each. You talked about what someone might see and why they might see it as beautiful, but never about what someone sees when they see beauty, or the other topics. Analytically I loved it, but I think using a little more right brain to tie it up would've been nice.

  4. Cat,

    I think that your blog truly showed great insight into the relationship between beauty, art and truth. I especially enjoyed your paragraph about truth, specifically in relation to the concept of beauty. However, I do agree that you perhaps could have explained the process better in your conclusion. The conclusion itself was ambiguous, and although I support the sentiment, I'm unsure if it is correct as phrased.
