Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art, Beauty and Truth, an Inner World

Art, beauty, and truth are all part of the inner world that we as humans share.  Beauty is defined in many ways, one of those ways is an experience where we perceive something that gives us pleasure or satisfaction.  Even though beauty is something we see with our eyes, it is an internal experience.  Truth is similar. Our inner worlds, beliefs and perceptions are affected by truth.  And art is the thing that expresses this deep and otherwise imperceptible world. 

Beauty and truth are always there, regardless of whether or not a person comprehends it.  A flower is beautiful because of properties that it has, and even if no one could see that beauty, it would still exist.  Truth is the same way, if something is true it will not become untrue even if no one believes it.  However, to understand beauty and truth, a person has to filter what their senses are showing them, through their own beliefs and ideas. When a person perceives beauty or truth it becomes a part of their inner world and will influence the way they understand beauty and comprehend truth from then on.  For example, a person who sees a person they care about will appreciate that person's beauty even more because they are seeing that person's physical appearance through the lens of their positive feelings toward them.  Then, the image of that person who is seen as attractive is placed into the inner world of the person seeing them, and they become a standard of beauty for that person.

Art is the way we as humans express beauty and truth as we experience them in our inner world.  Writing, music, painting and sculpture express what we find to be beautiful and true.  Since art is an expression of these crucial elements of our inner worlds, it is no wonder it moves us so much.  Art brings to our external lives the most abstract elements of our interior, beauty and truth.


  1. Jenny,
    You touch upon a very good point, one that I find to be critical: the fact that beauty and truth are inherent qualities of the world. Things can be displayed or presented to reinforce the perception of beauty or highlight the qualities that may be considered beautiful, just as truth can be presented to appear more complete or absolute. The actual state of these features does not change, only the perception of them. Art takes those perceptions, those highlights, and brings them to the foreground while diminishing those things that are not deemed as being beautiful or true. The way you mentioned humans are moved by art is, what I believe to be, the way gulls are attracted to a red stripe on a stick: the most attractive highlights are the red stripes across works of art, and truth and beauty are what is perceived from the stick. Very thought provoking! I enjoyed reading your post!

  2. Jenny,
    I love how you described beauty and truth. I never really thought about the fact that they would always be there even if humans didn't understand the concepts and properties behind the two. I also really enjoy how you described how a person's emotions reflects their personal perception of beauty. You have a very unique way of looking at the topic, and I'm glad you brought it to my attention. You did a fantastic job!

  3. Jenny,
    I love how you described beauty and truth. I never really thought about the fact that they would always be there even if humans didn't understand the concepts and properties behind the two. I also really enjoy how you described how a person's emotions reflects their personal perception of beauty. You have a very unique way of looking at the topic, and I'm glad you brought it to my attention. You did a fantastic job!

  4. Jenny,
    I really like the way you described and connected art, truth, and beauty in this blog post. My first thoughts packet wholeheartedly agreed with how you thought about the influence affection to someone or something you care about influences these concepts. I too feel like beauty and truth are changed when one see's someone they care about. Good blog post, I like the way you view art, truth, and especially beauty.
