Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Indie Passion

My topic started as a general overview of indie culture, but it slowly started to take shape into something more detailed. Now, I'm researching indie culture's DIY philosophy and it's contribution to the music scene. My research consisted of interviews and narrative nonfiction literature that tell the story behind indie culture. Not only do they give insight to the philosophy of the culture, but they provide information about record labels that made it big when indie first surfaced. After reading all of this I decided to write my paper on the success of these labels. They embraced the DIY culture and worked their asses off (literally) to become something big. This kind of dedication to music, or anything someone loves in general, deserves to be written about. I'm so passionate about making music for the sake of making music, so It's so easy for me to write about this topic, and I cant wait to start the writing process. 


  1. Gabby,
    I totally love listening to modern Indie music of today, however I don't know anything of the Indie culture. Even now to be honest, I didn't know there was such a thing. I can tell you're extremely passionate about this topic, judging by the excitement you express about writing an entire research paper on it. If you are so enthused, I am rather curious to find out more of this Indie culture and look forward to reading your paper!

  2. Gabby,
    It's wonderful to see someone who is so passionate about their topic! I had never heard of DIY philosophy, but I looked it up and it's fascinating. I have noticed since the beginning how into your topic you have been, but your dedication to the research process has only furthered my admiration for your relationship with it. It really does sound like this paper of yours deserves to be written, and I'm excited to be in your group and watch it as it takes form. I can't wait to see where you take this paper (and where it takes you). Good luck!

  3. It seems like you have definitely found a direct path for your paper. Maybe you could consider the rickishay affects of indie on pop culture in general in modern day times. The roots of the culture in general is very important but even the affects of it thereafter would show its influence. I'm intrigued to see the results of your research.

  4. It is very true throughout every genre of music that it is way more work than anyone expects. I think that the independent record contract is much more sought after now than it was in the past. I found that to also be true within Metal music industry. I can't wait to really discuss more of the similarities between these two nearly polar opposite musical philosophies.
