Monday, February 9, 2015

We Are All Individuals

To be human, is to be completely unique and individual. Though we all share similar characteristics and qualities, we all have unique personalities and perspectives that separate ourselves from one to the next. There are no two humans that are exactly alike. Though we can be categorized into groups in which we have similar attributes; practising the the same religion, being from the same country or culture, or having the same hobbies, we are still individuals. We can all have different ideas on the same religion and cultures, and we can all have different reasons for having the same hobby. We all think and feel differently, and that’s a part of what makes us human. What is unique about being a human, as opposed to any other animal that walks the earth, is our abilities to express our emotions and our inner thoughts through art, poetry, culture, and religion. Our minds have given us the ability to think beyond survival, and has allowed us to develop our cultures and religions and ideas that make us human. To be a man and to be a woman are different, but we are all still human. It can be proven that men think, act and feel differently from women, but every man will think, act and feel differently from each other, just as each woman.
In the modern world, I think we have lost a lot of what makes us human. We no longer are seen as individuals, but instead we are grouped and stereotyped all the time. We all go to school together and learn the exact same thing, and are put to the same learning standards as everyone else. We can not learn to be individuals if we are forced to be the same. I think that is what the statement from The Creative Impulse was trying to say: our desire for everyone to learn and be intelligent has become detrimental to us as human beings. Modern society needs to stop grouping people together and instead look as each person as an individual. We all learn differently, and have different capabilities. Judging us all by the same rubric will not allow us to reach our true potential, not just as students, but also in life.  We need to allow ourselves to find out who we are, and how we learn best, what interests us, what are we good and not so good at, and how we can express ourselves and our feelings and emotions.

1 comment:

  1. Is grouping necessarily a bad thing? Our minds automatically group like components together to create a sort of mental filing cabinet where thoughts are processed and organized. I agree that it is important to be an individual but it is unnatural for humans to not attempt to sort and organize in relation to certain characteristics. This actually is an evolutionary trait that helps us to better learn and survive in our environments. Also, individualism is not necessarily diminished by public education. What makes us individuals is not how we are presented with information but how we respond to it.
