Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Arcadian Environmentalism

For the past several years, I’ve had an interest in environmentalism that stemmed from a deep passion for understanding how our society powers itself.  These interests have pushed me to write several articles and editorials for sites like the Sentinel and Atomic Insights, a leading nuclear energy blog.  Now these interests have pushed me to study Arcadian Environmentalism, the form of environmentalism that romanticizes nature and argues that we need to live in harmony with nature, for my research paper.  I would consider myself an eco-modernist or pragmatist, which falls into a minority of the environmental movement that tends to believe that decoupling from nature through increased energy consumption will lead to more effective conservation efforts.  As a result, my belief set tends to fall in conflict with many of the ideals of the Arcadian belief set.  For the paper, I suspect that I will be closely examining the origins of the philosophy that drives much of the environmental community (which follows a set of Arcadian views).   I’ll be studying early forms of environmentalism, and looking at how the philosophy behind the movement has shifted throughout the decades as new environmental concerns have come into play.  


  1. I had no idea you had such a passion for environmental science. I think it is fantastic that you are searching for connections between the history of environmentalism and the philosophy behind it, especially as we look to the future of environmentalism. I think that this is a very valuable topic for humanity right now, and I look foreword to hopefully reading your paper!

  2. I have often heard your scientific reasoning about the environment and how us humans affect it. Your true passion for it has clearly been evident since the topic first came to your knowledge. I'm interested to see how you now incorporate a cultural and historical note into an often purely scientific debate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Like Taylor, I had no idea you had such passion for environmental science! I think that it's very impressive that you have written articles/editorials about this topic, as well. I think that you are an incredibly smart, determined person and this will be a great topic for you because you're already so familiar with it as well as passionate about the environment.
