Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Philosophical Views

I've decided to write about philosophy for my research project. Although I do not know specifics yet, I plan to do some basic research on a number of philosophers and choose one person or view in particular. I suppose I wasn't aware at how interested I was in philosophy until I began this class. I realized how much I enjoy hearing different peoples views of life, and I'm excited to be able to research one view in depth.  I am really hoping that my research will further open my eyes to what others think of the world we live in, and what our purpose is here on earth. I'm also excited to learn a little about different philosophers and their views because to be completely honest I am not very familiar with many philosophers. I am definitely interested in writing this paper about a specific philosopher and what their personal opinions were. I am assuming I will be discussing their views in depth as well as comparing them to my own views. I am a little worried because I am not the best writer, and I want to be sure I know exactly what is expected of me.

1 comment:

  1. Philosophy is probably one of the most diverse and expansive topics out there. Like you said, everyone has their own opinion. You really are going to want to narrow it down to the type. You could also compare and contrast philosophy from different time periods and why they are that way. Again, philosophy is so diverse and it will most likely take a lot of effort to decide the specifics of what you want to do. I'm sure ms. Levin would love to chat about it. Oh and one other thing-I wouldn't recommend comparing famous philosophers views to your own over philosopher v philosopher because it will have to be a much more complex paper if you do. Another reason being that your views on philosophical topics will most likely evolve as we progress in the class which will make things even harder.
