Thursday, February 5, 2015


What does it mean to be human? Being human means being in love, experiencing death, feeling emotion and passion, aging, reaching goals, being unique, telling a story, experiencing culture.  The list can go on and on about common characteristics all humans across all cultures share, independent of geography and language; that's what being a human is all about.  Each culture and person is unique in their own way, whether it's age, gender, social class, or ethnicity that categorizes them.  Regardless of the differences each person shares, we all feel the same in some aspects; we all feel passionate about something.  Learning to accept the fact that all humans feel the same is a way to regain and achieve our full humanity. Even though humans experience different life events and and come from different worlds, we are all human. Once we learn to accept our differences and each other as people, we will be able to expand our horizons and appreciate all cultures, genders, ages, and ethnic groups, which will ultimately help us recognize each other for the wonderful, passionate beings we are.

Humans have played sports steadily as we have evolved. The primal nature is part of who we are. Aggression, competitiveness, and emotion are part of the human experience and reside in every human.  For me, this aggression and emotion can be expressed through athletics. I have always been particularly passionate about sports, and would define myself as an athlete.  But when people think about sports, they usually associate it with males. Everyone has a little male and female in them and depending on the situation and environment, one exudes. Through sports, I am able to reach goals, feel emotion, experience culture.  Even though I feel more passionate about sports than others, that doesn't mean other people don't experience the same aggression and competitiveness as me. As humans, we all share common qualities, but the way we choose to express those characteristics are different. It is important for us to recognize these differences and accept them because we are all human.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Passion is the key to evolution and advance; in both a cultural and technological sense. Everyone is passionate about something. Whether it be math, science, the arts, or something unique to your personal interests, passion supersedes gender, stereotype, and bias. It is an emotion that remains constant as long as humanity has something to strive for and has room for improvement. It truly is a common quality between humans.
    Passion ties in intimately with education, which often is the cause for discrepency when creating educational rubrics and templates on which to judge people on. The fact that everyone's passion is so unique to them, as unique as a fingerprint, makes it very difficult to normalize an educational syllabus that is fair and yields equal opportunity for everyone's passions to burgeon. Passion is both a similarity that brings us together and a difference that set us apart.
