Wednesday, February 18, 2015

RP Topic: Metal Culture

There is an entire underworld of dark culture among every society. My research paper will focus on the metal sub-culture which often associates itself with being a counter-culture to the mainstream societal ideals. It challenges the norm and provokes the questioning of our own personalities. I chose this broad topic and will further narrow it down as I find inspiration from literature and research. As of right now, I am looking into the Scandinavian "black metal" scene (among other more specific topics) which has long been associated with the most extreme end of the metal cultural spectrum. Their rebellion and violence has had a dramatic effect on the people of those northern nations. I look forward to seeing how this paper will change the way that I view my music and the culture which has spawned its existence.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nick,

    This is a spot-on research paper idea for you. While I don't necessarily relate to you in terms of music preference, I think that the idea gives you a lot of room to run with your interests. I hope to read it at some point when you finish it up. I've copied a link below that might be interesting to look at as far as the philosophy of music in general. It's always interesting to look at a topic from the broadest possible perspective and look further and further into a topic. The "course" comes out of Stanford, so it might be worth a bit of investigation. Additionally, I’ve linked to one of my favorite essayists (Paul Graham). His essay “How Can Art Be Good” can relate back to what it is you’ll be diving into.

    1. Although I only briefly skimmed both of your links, They both look like fruitful resources for my project. Thanks Evan!

  3. I think this paper will be very insightful to maybe where our own metal roots (in America) have branched from. The cultural aspect is very interesting, considering the stereotypes that go along with it (devil worship, etc) and exploring the reasons for stereotyping might also be an option. Part of an issue you might have being immersed in the scene is writing a biased paper due to your own preferences and views. I think if you stay more from the outside looking in you won't be biased either way negatively or positively. I'm excited for this and I hope I can read it after!

    1. I completely agree with you. I will attempt to be as objective as possible and only accessing my experience as supporting knowledge, not as biased opinion. Thanks Black!
