Friday, February 13, 2015

EC: The Human Species: A Scientific Explanation on Why We Survived

After reading a couple lines out of some of the completed blog posts, I am getting the sense that people believe Wilson is being to forward in his beliefs on religion and not giving faith the credit that it is due.Initially, I felt that these accusations are unfounded after reading, "It is time to consider what science might give to the humanities and the humanities to science in a common search for a more solidly grounded answer to the great riddle." It seems that not only does Wilson appreciate what the humanities, religion included, has to offer when concerning our history and biology. In the end, this article is about science, not religion. It makes sense that it would seem he is purposely leaving out religion because he is. Not because he does not believe it has value but that religion is not the focus of this article.

This article is not about how we came to think the way we do, how our culture came about, or why we as humans feel impelled to create myth and religion, but simply why we are still around. Why are humans so successful? What factors during our evolution has lead us to this end? 

Wilson cites eusocial behavior and individual and group selection as the deciding factors of our success and longevity as a species. Eusocial, according to the "look up" option on blogger, meaning "Zoology (of an animal species, esp. an insect) showing an advanced level of social organization, in which a single female or caste produces the offspring and nonreproductive individuals cooperate in caring for the young." This type of organization directly correlates with the family model. By extension, Wilson is saying that family is the key to our survival. The level of care and concern that is fed to us during our upbringing is what makes us superior to any other specie. This, along with the ancient ability to judge and pick up on even the mildest social cues. This allows us to make better judgements on people and animals alike. 

The combination of care and concern, both from our perspective and our parents, is the explanation to why we have survived this long; why our species is the most complex and the most successful in history.

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