Friday, February 13, 2015

EC: Human Species

This article explored the human dynamic. How humanities needs to be evaluated on a scientific level, not only on the present day level. By exploring our past as a species we can further understand our purpose and what it means to be human. Some quotes that really stood out for me are:
"insects...globally dominate invertebrates on the land"
This is true. Weather we believe it or not, the planet will continue perfectly without our existence. If we eliminated insects, all life would cease. We are a part of our environment and depend on our entire ecosystem for resources. Without insects as a keystone species other species would die, and subsequently us. Something seemingly so small and insignificant outnumbers us as a species. Even though our thought process is more advanced than every other creature on earth, we are still vulnerable and frail to things we see as so small and useless.
"Contrary to general opinion, demons and gods do not vie for our allegiance."
I think this is a strong statement. What we have to remember is that the world was not made for solely us. It developed and we developed from it. The deities we do or don't believe in do not praise us as a spices, they created us. They can destroy us. As my beliefs, nature is what is sacred. Nature has power over us as people, nature can retaliate, nature can help us. We do not own this planet, we coexist with every other species. The humanities can be explored through the understanding of our roots, not only that god was created for us and only appeared within the realm of human existence.

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