Thursday, February 5, 2015

Explaining the Unexplainable

The human experience is not something that can be easily explained, especially because it's different for everyone. I feel like it's really difficult to write about such a general topic in such a specific way. Every human experiences feelings of some sort, and every human experiences death. Those two things I know. However, a person's journey really depends on their personality, their religious beliefs, the society they grew up in, and the morals they have learned. All of the things we discussed in class- ethnicity, religion, fashion, emotion, and diversity build our society, and each society has a different impact on a person. It's easy to look at the basics: love, loss, goals, failures, challenges, and friendships. However, when you ask a specific person about their lifetime, that person will have detailed answers and different reactions to certain situations than, say, you or I might have.

I am really struggling to find the correct way to express my thoughts on what it means to be a human. I have a hard time even defining myself, which is why I tend to stay away from anything that involves self-explanation. If I were to look at it from a completely general view, I would say that being a human involves real emotion. I feel as though the only reason people continue to live, thrive, and set goals is so that they can feel the satisfaction and pride that comes from it. Being passionate about something in your life drives you to search for new ways to explore and express that passion. In some forms it may be a portrait, a song, or a sketch. In others, it is dedication to save the Blue Whales. Every person needs something to look forward to; something that makes them happy.

It seems as though we are all asking the same question (and have been for centuries): "What is the meaning of life?" Many philosophers have attempted to answer said question, yet clearly we have not been satisfied. From another perspective, I could easily say that I don't think there is any 'meaning' to life. That I think that being human requires no more than being born; and what you do from then on is up to you. Everyone strives to be different, or to make themselves stand out. While I continue to do the same, I can't help but be aware of the fact that even if I did find out what it means to be a human, a man, a women, or an artist, what purpose would it serve? Everyone has their own definition of truth. No matter how much you explain your perspective on the human existence, society will simply dismiss it and continue to believe their own.


  1. Zoe,
    I really liked the points you made about our search for meaning in the things we do. I agree with you that people depend on the satisfaction they get from reaching their goals. I also think it's very interesting that you mentioned that everyone seeks to identify themselves in a common way, and yet everyone seeks to be different. Good job.

  2. Zoe, I enjoyed how personal your entry was. I also agree with the piece about passion. We had the same sort of idea in our entries that everyone feels passionate about something and that everyone expresses that passion in a different way. Your last couple sentences were very powerful, and I completely agree with the points you made.

  3. Zoe, I found your entry to be very interesting because of the questions it brought up in my head. Why do we need a definition on what being a human is? Would a concrete answer change anything about the way we spend our lives? Everyone is going to have very different opinions on the subject which is why it is so interesting to seek out the answers. I really enjoyed reading your entry and I found it to be very well presented.
