Monday, May 18, 2015

Job and Gilgamesh

     In both Job and Gilgamesh the protagonist must overcome suffering to come to a greater purpose.  Job suffered immensely just to prove his loyalty to God.  He suffers mentally by losing all his livelihood and family.  He then suffers physically with open sores all over his skin.  This amount of suffering causes him to give up his faith in God.  With the help of his friends he gained his faith back and in the end it was the right decision.  Due to his perseverance God gave him double of all the things he took.
       Gilgamesh suffers in a different way.  He suffers physical pain and energy on his quests to prove himself.  To prove that his name must be remembered in history he puts his body on the line.  His real and most important suffering was due to the death of Enkidu.  His best friend and brother died and it was very hard to handle.  It was mental suffering, which might be the hardest type to handle.

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