Thursday, May 21, 2015

EC: Avoided Beauty & Enlisted Essence

When it comes to the idea of death, there are many emotions stirred up with each individual... and with those emotions come different thoughts or ideas on the said topic. The different emotions can range from sorrow, in thinking of a loved one who was lost (due to various causes - war, age, disease) to relief, in thinking of how vulgar one's own personal world is and how awful life is for them, and how it wouldn't matter if they died today, tomorrow, or such (suicidal thinking).

We were asked, as a class, at the beginning of the year to write about our ideas on death, in the form of what first comes to mind, after thinking about each of the topics given. In saying this, most of what I'll say will be based off of that packet, as those are sincerely, my first thoughts on death and the basis belief of my beliefs on it. Most of my beliefs are grounded in my faith. Yet, some also just stem off of my mere human intuition and thought processing as an individual living and experiencing the wonderful world around me.

It's been noted in class, and I mentioned it as well in the packet, that death is typically almost always a topic of avoidance. I hinted to it above, but I'll say it again, but more in-depth. Death is the cause of heartbreak, pain, depression, grief, and even death itself. It takes, often-or-not, people or animals who were (and still are, or so I hope) dear to us, as well as loved, away. Often, into some said dimension or some unsaid dimension (however, there could just be the idea that he or she died, and that's that... his or her body will decompose and return back into the said "Circle of Life" in a biological sense).

I'm going to say in bluntly, though, that death is beautiful. Now, don't get me wrong, if someone takes his or her own life or someone else take's another's (in any form -- capital punishment, revenge) that is not beautiful. But the concept of it is. Even though someone or some animal may be lost forever, there are memories. Memories are powerful -- more powerful than one would often think, or so I think. It indicates that the time span set for each individual's life is over and that it's time to move on, in search of release from the current life he or she may live, no matter how plentiful or dreary it might have been. It gives way to a realm of new, of new beginnings and of new hope.

This leads into my thoughts on afterlife, which I briefly mentioned in my First Thoughts script. I believe in God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. I therefore, also believe in Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, and Heaven. I believe that when someone dies, if of a Christian faith (believing in Jesus), that he or she will ascend to Heaven. I believe that Heaven is the dwelling place of God, my wonderful, ever-lasting Father, as well as Christ and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity). I believe it is a place of wondrous entities, with praises, peace, and an unknowing (and unimaginable sense! of) love all around, and all those living in Christ dwell. See, there are no other requirements to get into this amazing palace, this temple, except to believe and accept Christ as your Savior. Whatever your actions are/were on earth -- they don't matter. They are covered by Christ's blood, which he shed on the cross, paying a debt we couldn't pay but through death, itself. As of now, I'm not even quite sure what happens to unbelievers until, what I believe in, will be the revelation, Tribulation, a time when judgment occurs, and the return of Christ - in the end with God making a new heaven and a new earth.

This is the enlisted essence.

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