Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Meaning of Life

My Humanities final blog post


  1. Will,

    I really like your thesis, and can personally relate to it. I think that by discovering our own philosophy, we can gain insight not only into ourselves, but also how humans behave in general. I wish that in your paper you had connected more of your paper to the thesis. While each paragraph by itself is well-written, much of the paper fails to relate our units back to this thesis. It feels more like a summary of each of the units than how each unit relates back to what it means to be human. This is apparent in your paragraph regarding law and ethics. While you summarize several philosophers, you don't dive into much analysis on the significance of the unit as a whole. That said, the analysis that you did provide is insightful and clear. I think that the paper would have been strengthened by more analysis though.

  2. Willy, I think you are a very good writer and this blog post was very good with informing ideas that made some connections to the human experience. I liked the ending sentence to the second unit and how you mentioned differences in humanity and the natural world. You integrated the love, beauty, and art texts very nicely and I like how you included the goal of human work which was to express the definition of beauty. I also liked how you contrasted the ideas that were taken from The Stranger and the opinions of Nel Noddings in your law and ethics paragraph. Your conclusion was very nice and I agree with it, too. Good work! I hope you have a fantastic summer and a wonderful time in college!
