Thursday, March 5, 2015


    For my first book I read Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of belief by Lawrence Wright.  It is a non-fiction book about Scientology.  It has interviews from many current Scientology believers, but is written from a skeptics point of view.  Both L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, and David Miscavige, the current leader of Scientology were both interviewed for the book.  The book gives great info on the founding of Scientology, the beliefs of Scientology, and the members of the Scientology.
    I will be using this book mostly for information on the beliefs of Scientology.  Using the information from this book I will compare the creation stories of Christianity and Scientology, which have the same basic principles.  I will also compare the rituals and practices of these to religions.  Depending on the direction of my paper I may also compare the similarities in the scandals of both religions.  


  1. Gabe, that sounds like a really interesting book and it sounds like you're on the right track for your research paper! Your topic sounds really interesting by comparing religious beliefs and scientology together because sometimes they kind of clash in reality. Is there any specific part of the creation stories and scientology that interest you the most? What part of the book was the most facinating to you? Your research paper seems like a facinating concept. Keep me updated and keep up the great work! Good luck!

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  3. I recommend reading at least two books for each religion. One from a critic's standpoint and one from a believer's standpoint. This will give you valuable insight to what it really means to believe and what the religion is truly about. Of course, you will have to find a way to mitigate the biases probably present in the texts, but getting a point of view from both sides is imperative.
    Nice post. Informational and engaging. Void of any errors.

  4. Gabe,

    I agree with Chris. You have a very interesting topic, but to get a real and clear picture of the religion, you have to read books from both points of view. Otherwise, you seem like you have a good idea of how you're going to approach this paper and I'm excited to see what information you gather from both points of view.
