Sunday, March 1, 2015

RP's RP on Biomed Ethics

I will be writing my research project on bio-medical ethics. I feel that this is a perfect field for me to do the project on because I plan on spending my future in the medical field and I will be following a pre-med track in college. Also, I spent six weeks of my summer in an intense camp for advanced education on the subject which has given me a lot of insight, information, and resources which I plan to utilize in my project. I still have to decide on a more specific topic in the field but I find all of bio-medical ethics to be incredibly interesting and I am excited to spend more time on the subject.


  1. Ryan, I think this is a great topic for your research paper because it seems to be something you really enjoy. Do you have a general direction that you want to go towards with biomedical ethics? I'm really interested about how you're going to specifically connect the topic with humanities. What types of resources do you think St Paul's can give you to make your paper better? Good luck on your research paper and finding more specific details!

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  3. Ryan,

    We have the same general topic for our research papers! I also plan to study further in the medical field and am planning to do pre-med. Maybe we can share resources and discuss where each of us are taking our topics. What kind of information did you get from your summer program? I would love to hear about it, it may help improve my paper as well.
